This is only some of the web pages but they include a home page, a subscription page, a forum, a text app and a text service.
Home page- possibly too much text, needs image as well, something which was raised in the crit.

Name of the website, the logo/ image we are going to use, pretty basic but it fits in with the style of everything. Also below are the text service and phone app pages of the website, they include basic imagery and a summary of what the services include and how to access them.

Name of the website, the logo/ image we are going to use, pretty basic but it fits in with the style of everything. Also below are the text service and phone app pages of the website, they include basic imagery and a summary of what the services include and how to access them.
This is the typeface we have used throughout, mostly for headings and titles, Green Pillow is the name of it.

The booklet- after the crit last friday we were told to narrow our topic down to just one lot of lying, so we focused it on homework excuses,this changed the content of the book slightly but we just made it two pages of excuses and two pages of excuses to stay clear of. This made it less busy and gave us more room to focus on one specific thing. We tried out the book on two different stocks, brown paper, and a thicker paper but are still unsure which too use. The problem with the brown paper is that for a double sided poster, the ink appeared to seep through the other side.
These are possible designs for the back of the hotdog fold book so that when it is folded out it's a basic poster, simply with the hippo design on the back. I personally prefer the larger hippo on the brown paper. We could overcome the ink seeping through by spray mounting two pages together but this could affect the quality.
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